Formula Fire Protection

Formula Fire Protection

Proin Non Nibh Sed Lectus Convallis Tincidunt Eget Nec Arcu. Suspendisse At Mollis Est. Donec Auctor Molestie Urna, Non Ultrices Elit Elementum In.
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Πυροπροστασία: Υποχρεωτική η έκθεση επικινδυνότητας και η Τεχνική Έκθεση Αρμόδιου Τεχνικού

Εγκύκλιο για την υποχρέωση των ιδιοκτητών ακινήτων να συντάξουν και να καταθέσουν μελέτη πυρασφάλειας εξέδωσε το υπουργείο Περιβάλλοντος με ημερομηνία 15 Μαρτίου 2024, ενόψει της νέας αντιπυρικής περιόδου που ξεκινά την 1η Μαΐου.

Οπως αναφέρεται σε σχετική ανακοίνωση, η ερμηνευτική εγκύκλιος έρχεται σε συνέχεια του «Κανονισμού Πυροπροστασίας Ακινήτων εντός και πλησίον δασικών εκτάσεων» που δημοσιεύτηκε σε ΦΕΚ την περσινή χρονιά.

Ειδικότερα, ο Κανονισμός αφορά ακίνητα που βρίσκονται μέσα ή πέριξ δασικών και χορτολιβαδικών εκτάσεων, περιαστικών δασών και αλσών καθώς και όσων βρίσκονται εντός ακτίνας 300 μέτρων από κηρυγµένες δασωτέες ή αναδασωτέες εκτάσεις.

Για τα προαναφερόμενα ακίνητα, η σύνταξη του Εντύπου Αξιολόγησης Επικινδυνότητας και της Τεχνικής Εκθεσης από αρμόδιο τεχνικό επιστήμονα καθίσταται υποχρεωτική, με προθεσμία τις 31 Μαρτίου.

Σε συνέχεια της Τεχνικής Εκθεσης, οι ιδιοκτήτες των ακινήτων υποχρεούνται μέσα σε ένα μήνα, δηλαδή μέχρι τις 30 Απριλίου, να υποβάλουν Δήλωση Εφαρμογής των μέτρων πυρασφάλειας, στην οποία θα δηλώνουν την ορθή λήψη των μέτρων που προβλέπονται στην έκθεση του αρμόδιου τεχνικού επιστήμονα, βάσει των προβλέψεων του Κανονισμού για την προστασία του ακινήτου τους σε περίπτωση πυρκαγιάς.


Η εταιρεία μας αναλαμβάνει την Αξιολόγηση και την Τεχνική έκθεση, με το τμήμα έμπειρων μηχανικών που διαθέτει

Επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας


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Πυροσβεστήρες για την καταπολέμηση πυρκαγιών από μπαταρίες Lithium-Ion

Οι μπαταρίες ιόντων-λιθίου χρησιμοποιούνται σε μεγάλο βαθμό στον σύγχρονο κόσμο, και παρόλο που δεν είναι σύνηθες φαινόμενο, παρουσιάζεται μια δύσκολη πρόκληση σε περίπτωση που εκραγούν ή πάρουν φωτιά. Εδώ είναι όπου ένας πυροσβεστήρας Lith-Ex γίνεται μια ασφαλής και αποτελεσματική επιλογή.

Ικανές να προκαλέσουν κίνδυνο για τη ζωή ή εκτεταμένες ζημιές, οι μπαταρίες ιόντων-λιθίου παρουσιάζουν συνήθως κίνδυνο όταν δέχονται πρόσκρουση, υπερφορτίζονται, καταστραφούν ή εκτίθενται σε ακραίες θερμοκρασίες. Στη συνέχεια, η χημική αντίδραση που δημιουργείται παράγει ένα εύφλεκτο αέριο που θα μπορούσε ενδεχομένως να προκαλέσει την έκρηξη της συσκευής και φλόγες.

Αυτές δεν μπορεί να τις σβήσει κανένας παραδοσιακός πυροσβεστήρας, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των πυροσβεστήρων σκόνης. Ένας πυροσβεστήρας Lith-Ex διασφαλίζει ότι προστατεύεστε από πυρκαγιές που προκαλούνται από ελαττωματικές ή υπερθερμασμένες μπαταρίες.

Παρά τις αξιοσημείωτες αστοχίες στο παρελθόν, η δημοτικότητα των μπαταριών ιόντων-λιθίου συνεχίζει να αυξάνεται. Και πρέπει να πούμε ότι χρειαζόταν ένας κατάλληλος, ασφαλής και αποτελεσματικός πυροσβεστήρας. Αυτές οι μπαταρίες χρησιμοποιούνται πλέον σε φορητούς υπολογιστές, τηλέφωνα, drones, σκούτερ κινητικότητας, παιχνίδια, εργαλεία, βάρκες, γιοτ και οχήματα, για την αποθήκευση ηλιακής ενέργειας και στην αεροπορική βιομηχανία.




AVD (Υδατική διασπορά βερμικουλίτη) – ένας μη τοξικός και επαναστατικός πυροσβεστικός παράγοντας, περιέχεται σε κάθε πυροσβεστήρα Lith-Ex και αναπτύσσεται ως ομίχλη. Όταν ψεκάζεται πάνω από την μπαταρία, δημιουργεί μια μεμβράνη πάνω από την επιφάνεια που στεγνώνει αμέσως για να κρυώσει τις φλόγες, να αποφευχθεί η ανάφλεξη και να δημιουργήσει ένα φράγμα οξυγόνου, έτσι ώστε η φωτιά να σβήσει.

Επί του παρόντος, δεν υπάρχει επίσημη κατηγορία πυρκαγιάς που να έχει σχεδιαστεί για πυρόσβεση μπαταριών ιόντων-λιθίου.

Συνεπώς, οι συγκεκριμένοι πυροσβεστήρες δε μπορούν να φέρουν κάποιο σήμα πιστοποίησης ή κατασβεστική ικανότητα. Ωστόσο, αυτοί οι πυροσβεστήρες εξακολουθούν να κατασκευάζονται σύμφωνα με τις απαιτήσεις του προτύπου EN3, έχουν υποβληθεί σε εκτεταμένες δοκιμές και διαθέτουν σήμανση ασφαλείας CE.

Διαθέσιμο σε μεγέθη 6 – 9 λίτρων

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Educational facilities

Αυγ 05, 2021

Fire safety in universities and schools

Safeguarding our future

Education bears an enormous responsibility for a vast number of young people every day, guiding their way into adult life. Ensuring their safety is a fundamental requirement for any type of school or university. From kindergartens to large university campuses, our comprehensive fire protection offering addresses all requirements independently of size and complexity.

Our offering

Mastering complexity – inspiring confidence

University and school structures are heterogeneous by nature. In addition to the age diversity of the pupils/students, we also find a large variety of learning environments, which can extend from basic classrooms to different buildings or even city districts. Educational facilities are also commonly home to a substantial quantity of high-value assets such as irreplaceable documents, IT infrastructure and scientific equipment. In such environments the single largest threat is fire.    According to official statistics, the number of fire-related injuries and fatalities by fires in universities and schools is thankfully very low. However, this should in no way lead to complacency as there are still too many fires causing extensive damage. For example, in 2014 a £ 20 million laboratory building at the University of Nottingham, England, was completely destroyed during the construction phase. Although no figures are available for the financial consequences of the estimated 2-year delay in opening the laboratory, these are certainly not inconsiderable. Minimizing the number of fire-related incidents and the consequential damage costs is a top priority. Our advanced offering provides optimal fire protection for both persons and infrastructure.



Fire safety in historical buildings and museums

Protecting our cultural heritage

Besides protecting the lives of visitors and staff, fire safety in historical buildings and museums is a matter of preserving invaluable architecture and artifacts. Historical buildings are of importance not only to professional historians, but also to people from all walks of life. The protection of our cultural heritage is a responsibility that we take very seriously – you can rely on our advanced fire safety offering.

Our offering

Preserving the invaluable

In general, damage caused by fire or extinguishing agents can be repaired, although at a cost. In the case of historical buildings and museums, however, this is not always the case. One of numerous tragic examples is Weimar’s Duchess Anna Amalia Library, which was destroyed by fire in 2004 with an estimated damage of $90,000,000. In such cases, the true extent of the loss is far greater than just the cost of restoring the fabric of the building. Every artifact that is lost represents an irreplaceable, and therefore priceless, piece of cultural heritage. Our advanced offering provides the appropriate protection.

Our promise


Αυγ 05, 2021

Fire safety in hotels

Protect your guests – protect your business

Whether you are responsible for a small guest-house or a large multi-story hotel complex, a key success factor is that your guests enjoy their stay – this includes not only first-rate service but also first-rate safety. Guests expect that they will be warned in good time if there is a real danger such as fire and that they will be conducted quickly and safely out of harm’s way. On the other hand, they certainly do not want to have their stay disrupted by any annoying false alarms. You can rely on our advanced fire safety offering to protect your guests, business continuity and reputatio


Our offering

An investment in your hotel’s future

Hotel fires represent a major risk to people’s safety, the hotel property and business continuity. Statistics from the U.S. (NFPA Hotel Fact Sheet) show that structure fires are reported by 1 out of 12 hotels every year, causing annual average losses of 12 civilian deaths, 143 civilian injuries and $127,000,000 in direct property damage – evidently, fire safety is of paramount importance in the hospitality industry. Fire incidents not only result in financial losses, they can also severely damage a hotel’s reputation. At the same time, hotel owners are reluctant to compromise on their guests’ comfort. We carefully consider all requirements in designing fire protection systems that are more than just an emergency safeguard but ensure the continued success of your business.

Our promise

In the hotel industry, false alarms are a major issue. It is critical to avoid such incidents, as they cause unnecessary disturbance to the hotel guests and are costly for the business and its reputation. Our smart detectors with ASAtechnology are immune to deceptive phenomena such as steam, tobacco smoke or exhaust emissions and make false alarms a thing of the past. Siemens and its network of certified solution partners offer a Genuine Alarm Guarantee in various countries.


Data centers

Αυγ 05, 2021

Fire safety in data centers

Maximum availability

Data centers are the world’s digital backbone, and countless users rely on the information stored in them. Our fast-paced society expects this information to be accessible anywhere and at any time, and even the shortest of downtimes can have considerable financial consequences. Minimizing the risk of fire damage is therefore a top priority: Reliably detecting incipient fires as early as possible and the quick activation of appropriate response measures are key pre-requisites in ensuring maximum system availability. Our state-of-the-art fire safety portfolio can help you keep your data center up and running.

Our offering

Comprehensive protection

There are few areas where business interruptions are as costly as in data storage. On average, the financial loss caused by server downtime is $7,300 per minute, and fires at data centers can easily threaten the survival of entire businesses. Statistics show that 6% of infrastructure failures in data centers are related to fire, and of those companies hit by a major fire event, over 70% are forced to discontinue their business within a period of three years. For maximum protection, a comprehensive fire safety system is needed to ensure business continuity, personal safety and damage mitigation in the case of fire. Our advanced offering provides optimal fire protection and contributes to data centers’ around-the-clock availability.

Our promise

Very early detection

The high power dissipation in modern server cabinets requires considerable cooling and consequently high airflow rates. Our Aspirating Smoke Detection (ASD) systems are admirably suited to detecting incipient fires in such demanding application areas, where very early fire detection is required and business continuity is paramount. Aspirating smoke detectors continually draw samples of air from the areas requiring protection and evaluate these samples for the presence of smoke particles.

Reacting to an incipient fire quickly and efficiently is essential; however, it is equally important to minimize any damage to the costly and sensitive electronic equipment. Therefore, using extinguishing agents and technologies that will cause no damage to the data systems themselves is of utmost importance. Having the right extinguishing solution can help protect people, data and valuable investments in a cost-effective manner. In such environments we recommend the use of automated gas extinguishing systems (with inert gases or clean agents) and technologies that fulfill the diverse demands of data centers. Our comprehensive extinguishing offering includes the right protection for all areas.

A comprehensive fire protection system requires perfect coordination between fire detection, alarming and activation of the extinguishing system. Our holistic approach is a major factor in ensuring first-class fire protection for your installation.


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Proven automation and digital solutions for the battery industry

In the wake of eMobility and distributed energy storage, the worldwide demand for Li-Ion batteries is soaring. Still, batteries don’t sell themselves: The global market is highly competitive. Battery manufacturers need to improve their processes from end to end to ensure lasting business success in their volatile market

Webinar series about battery manufacturing and recycling

Our three-part webinar series on battery production and recycling is available as a recording!

 In the webinars you will learn how our holistic automation and digitization portfolio can support battery manufacturers in optimizing their production processes.

The first edition will focus on battery simulation from cell design to cell production followed by a session on how to speed up your machine on battery manufacturing. In the last webinar we will concentrate on battery recycling.

Curious? Then sign up now for free! Our experts are looking forward to seeing you! 

No more one-size-fits-all: Coil2Stack fits battery cells of different shapes and sizes

Question: What do shopping for a new suit and battery manufacturing have in common? Answer: You can have a standard version that’s nice and (relatively) inexpensive. Or one that fits you perfectly but comes at a price…

By Luciano Wolke da Silva

E-Houses are customized, pre-assembled and pre-tested modular power substations. They are ideally suited for use in situations where interim solutions are needed, or in locations that are difficult to access. The simple reason is that they are easy to assemble and put into operation. They provide a rapid and flexible power supply, precisely where it’s needed. E-Houses have proven themselves as an alternative to conventional power distribution solutions. They have been installed in large numbers throughout the world in industry and infrastructure, and for network operators.

Download the new E-House brochure!

E-House VR App – Enjoy modular E-House solutions

 E-House provides electrical power – to wherever it´s needed

Fast, flexible and reliable: E-House is a plug-and-play solution that can be implemented entirely to suit your requirements. Quickly and easily, since E-House is built, set up, and pre-tested at the factory, and then assembled, connected and put into operation on-site.



Our energy infrastructure is undergoing a radical transformation. An influx of excess energy from renewable sources like wind and solar is causing fluctuations in energy supply and putting grid stability at risk. Energy storage is a key component to balance out supply and demand and absorb the fluctuations. Today, lithium-ion battery storage systems are the most common and effective type and, as a result, installations are growing fast.


Fire protection for lithium-ion battery storage system

Li-ion battery storage systems - A manageable fire risk

Lithium-ion storage facilities contain high-energy batteries combined with highly flammable electrolytes. In addition, they are prone to quick ignition and explosion in a worst-case scenario. Such fires can have a significant financial impact on organizations. Rapid detection of electrolyte gas particles and extinguishing are the key to a successful fire protection concept. Since December 2019, Siemens has been offering a VdS-certified fire protection concept for stationary Li-ion battery storage systems.


Would you like to know how you can use these emerging technologies safely while minimizing the risk of fire?



Our Solution

Earliest possible detection with the FDA241 aspirating smoke detector

The FDA241 detects electrolyte vapor early and reliably thanks to its patented dual-wavelength optical detection technology. In accordance with normative requirements, two independent FDA241s are required to trigger the activation of the automated extinguishing system. The FDA241 is the ideal solution for early detection of electrical fires. In addition to controlling the automated extinguishing system, the fire protection system triggers all other necessary control functions.



Safe and sustainable fire suppression and extinguishing with Sinorix N2

Sinorix N2 extinguishing systems prevent electrical fires, stop the propagation of thermal runaways and reliably prevent the spread of secondary fires. A holding time of 30 minutes not only gives the fire brigade time to react, but also prevents any delayed runaway.

*Our tests have shown that the lower the remaining oxygen concentration, the better the protection against the explosive combustion of electrolyte vapor.



BIOVERSAL® QF/QF-r Πυρόσβεση Με Πρόσθετη Αξία: Το BIOVERSAL® QF/QF-r είναι ένα διεθνώς αδειοδοτημένο προϊόν πυρόσβεσης, κατάλληλο για την κατάσβεση πυρκαγιών κατηγορίας Α, Β & F, με την πρόσθετη αξία της φιλικότητας προς το περιβάλλον.
Η εξαιρετικά καλή ιδιότητα ψύξης του προστατεύει τις ανθρώπινες ζωές, σταθεροποιεί τα κτίρια, βοηθά στην καταστολή της ανάπτυξης του καπνού και αποτρέπει τη δημιουργία σπινθήρα.

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